Homemade and Simple

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Yogurt Cake

on December 4, 2012

Have you ever wonder, when reading a recipe, how did the chef or person preparing the recipe came with to the conclusion that it would take x amount of time to cook it in an oven at certain temperature. Well, this past weekend I decided to make two separate recipes that involved, obviously, some of my home made yogurt and both instructions stated that the recipes would take approximately 50 minutes to cook. Well guess what? They took me approximately 15 minutes less than what the recipe said. Thank God I was paying close attention to the food, otherwise I would have ended up with burnt food on both occasion.

But enough of complaining about cooking times and what not. Let’s get to the good stuff. This past weekend I prepared, as I said, two recipes that called for home made yogurt. One was a Yogurt Cake and the other a Banana Yogurt Bread. For today I will write about the Yogurt  Cake. This recipe was so easy to make and so good that I finished making the cake by 8pm on Sunday night and when I got back home from work on Monday afternoon, the cake was history. When I asked my two daughters and my son who ate the cake they all pointed at each other.

I found this recipe in my attempt to use my four quart size jars of yogurt. So far I have used 3 and I will make use of part of the fourth jar to make this cake. This is a very simple recipe. You don’t need fancy equipment; all it takes is a whisk and a mixing bowl (not to mention some measuring cups and spoons). Here is the list of ingredients:

  1. 1½ cups of yogurt
  2. 2/3 cups olive oil
  3. 1¼ cup sugar
  4. 3 large eggs
  5. 1 teaspoon vanilla
  6. 2½ cups all purpose flour
  7. 2½ teaspoon baking powder
  8. 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  9. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  10. Pinch ground nutmeg

First things first. Turn your oven on and set it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease a 9″ bunt cake pan and set aside while you prepare the batter. While the oven is heating, mix the first 5 ingredients in the list. Once they are all combined, add the other five  until there are no lumps in the batter.

Proceed to pour the batter into the greased bunt cake pan and place in the oven for 35 minutes or until you can insert a tester and it comes out clean. The original recipe calls for a cooking time between 50 to 60 minutes, but mine was done within 35 minutes. You can eat this with some berries and whipped cream or you can top it with sugar glaze as I did. To make the glaze mix 1 cup of powder sugar and 3 tablespoons of milk and a few drops of vanilla extract. Mix thoroughly until not sugar lumps are visible and pour over cake. Eating this cake right out of the oven is an unforgettable experience, ask my kids.

Next recipe will be the Banana Yogurt Cake. so stay tune.

If you have any recipe that use yogurt as one of its main ingredient, please share it with us. Until then have a fun baking.

For more information on this recipe, visit the original site where I found it at http://www.thekitchen.com/quick-and-easy-recipe-yogurt-c-1183665 .

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